martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Earth Science

Your Edmodo group code is: 3mtv2z

Amigo Brothers vocabulary

Write one sentence with each of the following words:
  1. Devastating
  2. Perpetual
  3. Dignitaries
  4. Improvised
  5. Dispelled
  6. Evading

Independence Day Lunch

Independence Day Lunch during recess (10:15-11am) tomorrow.Don't forget to bring your item listed below!


  1. Brianda: Mangu
  2. María Teresa: Cupcakes
  3. Alanna: Mashed potatoes and serving wear
  4. Susana: Hot chocolate
  5. Samir: Chips and salsa
  6. Lilly: Chicken
  7. Brandon: Salami
  8. Lucille: Dulce de leche
  9. Tatiana: Corn
  10. Adriana: Ice and serving wear
  11. Lynnette: Flan
  12. Emmanuel: Picaderas
  1. Samantha: Pastelon de platano
  2. Carla: Morir Sonando
  3. Vanessa: Hot chocolate
  4. Juan: French Toast
  5. Aimée: Pastelitos
  6. Ivanna: Cups and plates
  7.  Daniela: Cativias
  8. Valeria: Plates and napkins
  9. Laura: Flan
  10. Paula: Cookies
  11. Roslenny: Scrambled eggs
  12. Isabelle: Fritos (tostones)
  13. Enrico: Juice and cups
  14. Ramón: Chicken

Homework ART CLASS (02/26/13)

I'm sorry that I am posting this homework with such a short notice, but I promise you it will not be hard to complete. 

Bring information about Stefan Sagmeister and his Graphic Design artwork. Remember to analyze and get the important information of his art work. 

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

Geography Mobile Lab: Monday, February 25th

1. Take Self test for Chapter 10. Repeat the test until you score a 10/10.

2. Use the internet to improve your Key People project. Add a picture to your poster. 
Key people include: Toussaint L'Ouverture, Miguel Hidalgo, Agustin de Iturbide, Simon Bolivar or Jose de San Martin.

Peer pressure project reminder

Remember your Peer Pressure project is due on Monday!

Independence Day Lunch

Independence Day Lunch during recess (10:15-11am) on Tuesday, February 26th
If your name is in red, please discuss with your family what you will be able to bring in and let me know on Monday. If you already have your item on the list, please confirm with your family that you are able to bring that item.

  1. Brianda: Mangu
  2. María Teresa: Cupcakes
  3. Alanna: Mashed potatos
  4. Susana: Hot chocolate
  5. Samir 
  6. Lilly: Chicken
  7. Brandon
  8. Lucille
  9. Tatiana: Corn
  10. Adriana 
  11. Lynnette: Salami
  12. Emmanuel: Picaderas
  1. Samantha: Pastelon de platano
  2. Carla: Morir Sonando
  3. Vanessa
  4. Juan: French Toast
  5. Aimée
  6. Ivanna
  7.  Daniela: Cativias
  8. Valeria 
  9. Laura: Flan
  10. Paula
  11. Roslenny
  12. Isabelle: Fritos (tostones)
  13. Enrico
  14. Ramón: Chicken

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013


Investiga en internet sobre el Fondo Monetario Internacional:

- qué es?
- fecha y lugar de su surgimiento.
- objetivos
- importancia
Haz un informe, imprímelo y pégalo en la mascota. Fecha de Entrega: martes 26/2/20.
*Recuerda para el martes Evaluación del tema "La Dominación Haitiana" P-88,89,90 y 91 Libro de Sociales

Independence Day pics

I only have a couple of photos from today, but I wanted to post them anyways. Samantha's ipad has the rest of the photos/ videos I took. You all did awesome , I was so proud that you are my students! GREAT JOB!!!!
PS: Sorry, I couldn't resist 1 Lena pic

Field trip permission slips: La Ley del Silencio, Bullying

Don't forget, we are going on our field trip tomorrow, February 22nd, so  al Teatro de Bellas Artes to see the play La Ley del Silencio, Bullying

We will leave school at 9 and should be back by 12pm. If you have not yet brought in your permission slip you need to come with it tomorrow, the cost is 400 pesos.

Also, come in your regular uniform, not PE clothes.

Salut à tous !
À lire cette semaine  la petite description du quartier de Sarah
 à la page 39 et les textes de la page 40 avec l’exercices de vrai ou faux.
À la prochaine
Madame Coplin  

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Chapter 6 Health test

Study for your chapter 6 health test tomorrow!

Tomorrow 2/21/13

Hello Class,

Tomorrow (Thursday, February 21st, 2013) there will be a color day. You can ONLY wear RED, WHITE or BLUE (the colors of our flag) and stick to the DRESS CODE. Please come to school dressed with PRIDE and REPRESENT your country!

See you in the morning!!!

-Ms. Rivera

Brainpop: Run-on sentences and they're, their, there

Complete the following activities in your notebooks for homework:

1. They're, Their, There
2.  Run-on sentences

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Earth Science

The MCSchool Science Fair 2013 is a school-wide activity that targets the application of scientific concepts and skills where the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes of the students is evaluated.  This activity promotes the healthy spirit of competition while it fosters the solution and analysis of problems and or situations present in the scientific world.
The science fair will be dedicated to Water Cooperation.  2013 has been declared by UN as the International Year of Water Cooperation. The celebration offers a unique opportunity to raise our students’ awareness of the challenges facing many of the world’s water sources and the measures that must be taken by each of the world’s citizens to preserve this invaluable resource. Great success stories and valuable lessons on how to promote water conservation and management already exist. The Year provides a means to bring these voices together and build momentum towards greater public participation in water conservation and cooperation activities around the world.

  • Use skills, abilities and attitudes in solving problems and situations in the Scientific World.
  • Utilize creativity and curiosity in both.
  • Solve problems using the Scientific Method.

A science fair project is an investigation that is designed to solve a problem or answer a question. It is a 'science' fair project because a procedure called the scientific method is used to answer the question.
Steps of the Scientific Method
The point of using the scientific method is to learn how to systematically and objectively ask and answer questions. Here's what to do:
  1. Observe the world around you.
  2. Based on your observations, ask a question.
  3. State a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a statement that you can test using an experiment.
  4. Plan an experiment.
  5. Perform the experiment and make observations. These observations are called data.
  6. Analyze the data. This gives you the results of the experiment.
  7. From the results, decide whether or not your hypothesis was true. This is how you reach conclusions.
  8. Depending on how your experiment turned out, you may have ideas for further study or you may find that your hypothesis was not correct. You could propose a new hypothesis to test.
Written Report from
Title. a catchy, clever title,  it should be an accurate description of the project.
·        Avoid unnecessary words, while covering the essential purpose of the project.
  1. Introduction and Purpose (one or two paragraphs)
    this section introduces the topic of the project, notes any information already available, explains why the group members were interested in the project, and states the purpose of the project.

  1. Problem (question) and Hypothesis (answer to the question)
    state the problem and give an answer based on your research (hypothesis).

  1. Materials and Methods
    List the materials used in the project and describe the procedure used to perform the project. NOTE: include pictures, photographs here.

  1. Data and Results
    Data and Results are not the same thing. Data refers to the actual numbers or other information you obtained in your project. Data can be presented in tables or charts, if appropriate. The Results section is where the data is manipulated or the hypothesis is tested. Sometimes this analysis will yield tables, graphs, or charts, too.

  1. Conclusion
    The Conclusion focuses on the Hypothesis or Question as it compares to the Data and Results. What was the answer to the question? Was the hypothesis supported (keep in mind a hypothesis cannot be proved, only disproved)? What did you find out from the experiment? Answer these questions first. Then, depending on the answers, group members may wish to explain ways in which the project might be improved or introduce new questions that have come up as a result of the project.

1.- Aimee, Juan, Paula (Can the reflection of the Sun’s rays change the Climate?)
2.-Ivanna, Enrico, Laura ( How does Carbon Dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere affect the air temperature?)
3.-Carla and Vanessa (What adaptations help dogs keep cool during hot weather?)
4.-Isabelle, Valeria, Ramon (In what way does El Niño change the climate? What Climate changes are caused by la Niña?)
5.- Rosslenny, Samantha, Daniela ( How will the temperature in a green house compare to that of an open system when exposed to solar energy?)

Mobile Lab: Wednesday, February 20th

Log into
Username: eduintegral
Password: mccchs2012 

Watch the video about run-on sentences, and complete the activity and review quiz in your notebook.

Watch the video about tenses, and complete the activity and review quiz in your notebook.

Watch the they're, their and there, and complete the activity and review quiz in your notebook.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013


Quiz tomorrow- Integer Operations, Unit conversions

Tuck test tomorrow

Review all chapter questions/ class notes. Below is a list of all Tuck vocabulary:


Geography Key People

For next class, you will need to bring in 2 paragraphs (handwritten in notebooks in your own words) with information about one of the Key People from Chapter 10, Section 3: Toussaint L'Ouverture, Miguel Hidalgo, Agustin de Iturbide or Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

Geography Mobile Lab: Monday, February 18th

1. Take Self test for Chapter 10. Repeat the test until you score a 10/10.
2. For next class, you will need to bring in 2 paragraphs (in your own words) with information about one of the Key People from Chapter 10, Section 3: Toussaint L'Ouverture, Miguel Hidalgo, Agustin de Iturbide or Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin. Begin research in mobile lab.

Tuck Vocabulary list

Go through your notebooks and create a list of every vocabulary word we have covered in "Tuck Everlasting". We will be doing an activity with these words on Monday, in order to study for your test, which is next Tuesday, February 19th.

Tuck Everlasting Final Project

Your Tuck Everlasting Final Project will be due next Friday, February 22nd. You are free to choose an idea below or come up with your own idea. You may choose your own groups, and will be evaluated for content, comprehension, display and presentation.

Tuck Everlasting Final Project Ideas

1.       Paper Bag Book Talk – Take a plain brown paper shopping bag and fill it with 5-7 items that represent important parts of the story: characters, setting, and conflict. You will use these props as you present your book report, explaining the significance of each item. The outside of the paper bag should be decorated to fit the theme of the story and should include the book’s title and author.  
        2-3 people

2.       Character Monologue – Pretend to be one of the characters in the book, and tell us the story as that character in first person (using pronouns like I and we). You must submit a written script of your monologue.   
        1-2 people

3.       New Hit CD – Pretend that one or more characters from your book have made a CD. Create the CD jacket, lyrics of the hit single, and a list of the other songs that are reflective of the character(s) and events s/he has experienced in the story. CD must look like a real CD, in a case with appropriate information on the front and back covers. You will present your book report by telling us about the story, sharing the corresponding song titles as you go. For groups of 3, sing the hit single!  
        2 people (no song)          3 people (with song)

4.       ABC Book – Create an ABC book using the characters, important events, symbols, or themes in your story. Each page should include an illustration and an explanation. You will present your book report by reading your ABC book to the class. 
        2 people

5.       Puppet Show – Create puppets, a script, and a backdrop, and act out an important scene from your book. Your puppets may be made of paper lunch bags, craft sticks, or any other materials that are easy to find. Additionally, you must introduce your scene, explaining how it fits into the rest of the story.  
        2-3 people

6.       Role Play – Choose three chapters from the book and write a script that highlights the events of those three chapters. You must submit a written script of the role play. You must be “in character” when you perform and use props and costumes to enhance the presentation.
        2-3 people

7.        Final Essay – Choose a theme of the story and write a 4-5 paragraph essay explaining that theme and/ or making a comparison to something outside of the story. 
         1 person

8.       Create your own “everlasting” children’s book- Write your own short story with an everlasting theme. Turn your story into a children’s book, using images on each page.
         2 people

9.       Write your own ending- Change the last chapter/ epilogue by writing your own ending (minimum 5 paragraphs).
        1-2 people

10.   Your own idea- Come up with your own creative idea for a Tuck Everlasting final project. Let me know your idea before you begin, so I can approve it.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Salut  à tous !
Notre devoir  cette semaine c’est à la page
a) 46 exercices  6-8 et page 47  9,10.
b) Avec l’image de la page 37 comme référence fais l’exercice 10,
 donne des instructions comment arriver chaque lieu de la ville.
Il faut utiliser l’impératif. 
Bon weekend 
Mme. Coplin 

Geography projects due tomorrow

Geography projects due tomorrow! Be prepared with poster, essay and be ready to present!

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013


Workbook p. 71, 72
Investiga en internet y haz un informe sobre Las Sociedades Independeintistas:

a) La Trinitaria
b) La Dramática
c) La Filantrópica.
Incluye los aspectos siguientes: fecha de creación, personalidades que la fundaron , lugar de su fundación, objetivos, importancia y cualquier aspecto que consideres de interés.A computadora, media página por cada una. Esta información servirá de base para un proyecto que haremos en el aula.
Fecha de Entrega: jueves 14/2/2013

Valentine's Day

Don't forget your secret Valentine present, and bring popcorn for the movie if you want to.

Character description/ drawing

On a separate sheet of paper, choose one character and describe them (paragraph 1), then describe what happened with them in the story (paragraph 2). Draw the character on the same sheet of paper.

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Peer Pressure Project

Due Monday, February 25th

Write an appropriate script about Peer Pressure using tact/ abstinence to resist it.

You will turn your script to life by performing your play either in class, or pre-recording it with your group and playing the video in class.

Final scripts need to be edited correctly and handed in along with the project, including a short 2-3 paragraph reflection about your specific peer pressure situation and why it is important to avoid.

Health Test on chapter 6: Thursday, February 21st