martes, 8 de enero de 2013

Autobiography project

Due Wednesday, January 16th

You will be writing your very own autobiography, describing your own life story in unblemished detail. This autobiography will include an introduction, body and conclusion (explained in detail below). It will be used in your computer class as well for Ms. Acosta's website project. I can't wait to learn more about all of you as you continue to expand your writing skills!

Story map
You will need to interview a parent to get details about your birth and specific memories. Use this info to create a story map, mapping out in short details, the information below:

Introduction: Your first years, 2-3 paragraphs
P1: Include details such as a pregnancy story of your moms, your place of birth, the story of your birth, your first year.
P2: Where you lived and grew up, details of the members of your family and first friends.

Body: Childhood, 2-3 paragraphs
P1: Summary of years 5-10
P2: A narrative story, explaining one childhood memory in detail, using descriptive language.

Conclusion: Present day, 2-3 paragraphs
P1: Describe your life now.
P2: Talk about your plans for the future.

Make sure to use figurative language and new vocabulary as you write. Don't be intimidated by the length, each paragraph will be due separately, and we will spend a lot of time making sure every detail is correct and well written.

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