viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Geography Mobile Lab: Monday, April 22nd

Goal: Use mobile lab to research upcoming geography project. Final due date is Tuesday, May 7th.

Cultural Fair Geography Project:

Choose at least 1 country in Europe (or Russia) and research its culture. You will be presenting at least one element of its culture: music/ dance, food, language, history/ religion, places to go (nature/ architecture) in your own creative way. Must include a detailed written response describing your country and its culture. Group size: 2-3.

1. Research a recipe: Bring the cooked recipe to class, accompanied with an essay describing the food and history of food in your country.

2. Around the world: Plan a Euro-trip, choosing a couple of countries to research. Map out how you will travel from country to country (train, boat, plane, etc) and research the places to go in each country. You can create a poster of your final map, with paragraphs about each country/ place to go.

3. Music and dance performance: Research classical music of a specific country and learn the traditional dance to go along with it. You may also wear clothes that represent the country or dance. Include a written explanation of the countries history of music and dance, focusing on the specific music and dance you presented.

4.Teach us a new language: Learn some basic words and phrases in your countries language and plan a lesson teaching us the language. You may bring in printed copies for each student and have us practice in class. Lesson must be 5-10 minutes long.

5. Re-enactment of history: Research a particular historical event (a war, a speech, a key-person, etc.) and re-enact it in class. Include a written response explaining the event you re-enact.

 6. Your own idea: Come up with your own idea and let me know!

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