jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

The Westing Game Chapter 11

Answer in full sentences for Monday, Oct 1st. Write q's and a's.

1. What dilemma did the tenants face as they awoke on the third snowbound morning?
2. What do we discover about Flora Baumbach?
3. What does Turtle say her real name is?
4. Why could no one read Sydelle Pulaski's notes from the will?
5. What does Theo suggest to the other heirs who have gathered for a meeting?
6. Why is there confusion about Turtle's real name at the meeting?
7. What question did Judge Ford write on the paper?
8. What is suspicious about Judge Ford's name?


Copiar en la mascota de la P-10 Libro Cívica la información sobre los Derechos de la Primera y Segunda Generación.

Examen de Cívica para el miércoles 3/10, de las p-8,9 y 10 L.C


Workbook p. 17 #1-9
p. 18 #28, 29

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Ciencias Sociales

Haz un esquema , a tu gusto, con las consecuencias de la Revolución Industrial que aparecen en la P-23 del LS. Ser creativ@ en la decoración. Entregar miércoles 26/9.

Recuerda también la tarea de Cívica del viernes y estudiar para el examen del Capítulo I del LS.

Tarea de Español. Mrs Cruceta

¡Hola chicos!!

Para la próxima clase deben:
Escribir 5 oraciones usando cada signo que se emplea para terminar una oración.

Para el martes de la próxima semana, deben leer hasta el capítulo XVII del libro "El principito".

The Westing Game: Chapters 9 & 10

Finish chapters 9 & 10 for homework and answer the following questions in full sentences. Make sure to write the questions in your notebooks:
Chapter 9:
1. Why is Turtle’s mom being so nice to her before the party?
2. What was happening at J. J. Ford's apartment that evening?
3. Give two examples from this chapter of Grace disliking Turtle and favoring Angela.
4. What did Judge Ford find out about Mr. Hoo over the phone?

Chapter 10:
1. Why was Grace on time for Judge Ford's party when normally she would arrive late?
2. Why does Angela become upset when everyone continually asks about Denton?
3. What is Chris looking for when he watches the party guests’ legs?
4. Who does Angela see when she rushes into Judge Ford's kitchen?

Vocabulary for these chapters:
  1. Defiantly
  2. Jabbering
  3. Paternal
  4. Embrace
  5. Humilation

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

Computer Science

HW: Due Sept. 25th - Learning about Networks

Complete the Computer Networks Outline.  In case you didn't finish during class, below you will find all the questions included in the outline.
  1. What is a computer network?
  2. How are networks categorized? Define LAN and Wan.
  3. Define Node, Link, and Router.
  4. What is a network topology?
  5. For the 4 common network topologies: Mesh, Ring, Star and Bus, answer the following:
  • How are nodes connected?
  • Primary advantage and disadvantage.

Also, read the information found on the Routers' tab.  Get ready to fill out a "job description" for a Router and a Switch next class.

To access the PBS Learning Media interactive website, (click here)

Enjoy your weekend!

Earth Science

Remember that Condensation is gas to Liquid and Evaporation is Liquid to gas.

Have a great weekend!!!! :-)

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012


Leer en la P-10 del Libro de Cívica "Derechos de la Primera Generación", después investiga y haz un informe sobre el cumplimiento de este tipo de derechos en la época de Trujillo. Debes poner 3 hechos de ejemplo, donde se justifique lo que explicas en tu informe. Entregar martes 25/9 .
 Recuerda estudiar para evaluación de Sociales el miécoles 27/9 sobre el Capitulo 1 del Libro !!!

The Westing Game chapter 8

Write the definitions of each word below, and then use each word in a sentence.

1. stint
2. inscrutable
3. pretentious
4. incriminating
5. pool (to pool things together)

Using Geography Skills Test

Our first Geography Tuiz (test-quiz) is Thursday, October 4th. The tuiz will be on everything we've learned in Chapter 1 (pages 10-22).

The three units are: Understanding the earth, the 5 themes of Geography and Using the tools of Geography.
  1. environment
  2. orbit
  3. revolution
  4. axis
  5. rotation
  6. latitude,
  7. low, middle and high latitudes
  8. equator
  9. tropic of cancer
  10. tropic of capricorn
  11. Arctic circle
  12. Antarctic circle
  13. summer solstice
  14. winter solstice
  15. Geography
  16. parallel
  17. degrees
  18. longitude
  19. meridians
  20. prime meridian
  21. globe
  22. scale
  23. cardinal directions
  24. key
  25. grid
Make sure to re-read the units and to study all vocabulary words that are in your notebooks. Good luck!

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Tarea de Español - Mrs Cruceta

¡Hola chicos!!

I- Recuerden que para el próximo viernes deben leer "El principito hasta el capítulo X.

II-Para la próxima clase deben buscar y copiar ejemplos de los diferentes tipos de narradores:

- Narrador protagonista
- De monólogo interior o interlocutor
- Testigo u observador
- Omnisciente

The Westing Game Chapter 7 Homework

Chapter 7 questions: Answer in notebooks in full sentence form.

1. Describe the room where the 16 heirs hear about the Westing Game.
2. What was the object of the game?
3. Why was Chris happy to be selected to play the game?
4. What does each pair receive in order to play?
5. What was Theo secretly doing while the Westing game rules were being read?
6. How did Sydelle feel about being paired with Angela?

Words to define:
  1. eccentric
  2. appalled
  3. culprit
  4. corrupt
  5. forfeit
  6. pompous
  7. dialect

7th Grade accepting Rachel's challenge!

The beginning of our chain reaction!

Ciencias Sociales

Realizar los ejercicios de la p-18  del Libro de Sociales. Entregar miércoles 19/9 , recuerden también la Tarea de Cívica.

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012


Investiga sobre las instituciones que trabajan con Los Derechos Humanos en República Dominicana y pon tres ejemplos de las mismas, después selecciona una de ellas y explica ampliamente en que consiste su labor. Entregar miércoles 19/9 .

Geography latitude/ longitude questions

I will be collecting notebooks tomorrow.

1. What would you tell someone who said geography is only the study of land?
2. Buenos Aires, Argentina is located at 34°S and 50°W, which hemispheres is it in?
    Which cities are located at...
3. 28°N 100°W
4. 37°S 150°E
5. 56°N 35°E

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Ciencias Sociales

Ejercicio 1 de la P-17 Libro Sociales . Entregar miércoles 12/9. Recuerden la tarea de Cívica del viernes para revisar también mañana.

September 11th reflections

Finish September 11th reflection responses for tomorrow. Use "Big Mac" paragraph form with topic and closing sentence for each 2 paragraphs. Once you finish your paragraph charts on white paper, write out the entire paragraph in notebooks.

5 Themes of Geography Project

Project due next Friday, September 21st
Choose one country in the world and create a five themes profile for it. Organize your information into location, place, culture, movement and region. Create a poster or powerpoint with images of the five themes of your country (at least five images) as well as one paragraph per theme (five paragraphs in total) explaining how each theme relates to the place you chose. Use BigMac paragraphs with topic sentences. As always, there will be absolutely no copy/paste or plagerizing, use your own words. Choose your location carefully, think of somewhere that no one else would know about. You will present your project next Friday.

A fjord on the coast of Norway

Project rubric: The 3 P's worth 15 points5 points: Project (poster or powerpoint display)
5 points: Presentation (you don't need to memorize, but practice in advance and don't just read your paragraphs)
5 points: Paragraphs (proper paragraph/ sentence structure, grammar, spelling and your own words)

Note: If you present your project as a powerpoint, send it to me in email also so I can read your paragraphs. a.lluberes@mcschool.edu.do

The Westing Game Quiz

Quiz on Chapters 1-5 and vocabulary words on Thursday, September 13th!

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

10 Health skills

Finish chart with the 10 Health Skills, definitions and ways you can use them for Thursday,September 13th.

Geography definitions

Define in notebooks:

  1. Geography
  2. Parallels
  3. Degrees
  4. Longitutes
  5. Meridian
  6. Prime Meridian

Westing game chapter 4

Finish chapter 4 due tomorrow and answer in paragraph form:

1. What happened to Turtle in the Westing Estate?

2. Summarize the life story of Samuel W. Westing.

Define and write a sentence with the following words from chapter 4:

1. fatal
2. gamble
3. sued
4. will
5. heir/ heiress

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Earth Science

Science Book, page NOS4 VOCABULARY

Westing Game chapter 3

Finish chapter 3 and answer... Who do you think is the mistake and why? 1-2 paragraphs. Use topic sentences to begin your paragraphs.

Geography q's

Homework: Answer the 3 questions from class in your notebooks. Use paragraph form for all answers. Due Monday.

1. Why is our region called the tropics?

2. How do the earth's rotation, tilt and orbit affect our environment>

3. How is the weather different in D.R. on June 21st than in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on the same date?

Mobile Lab: Monday, September 10th

Click this link for instructions...


Libro de lectura. Ms. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos!!

Para el próximo martes 18 de septiembre, deben leer hasta el capítulo X del libro "El principito" para realizar una actividad en clase sobre esos capítulos.

Prueba de Español


El próximo viernes 14 de septiembre tendremos una prueba de Español con valor de 15 ptos. Los temas que deben estudiar son:
- Importancia y elementos de la comunicación.
- Los géneros literarios.
- Los textos literarios.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Health goals and stressors

Due Monday, September 10th

  • List each of your 5 health goals and write one sentence about what you are doing to accomplish these goals so far. Remember, you need to communicate with your parents about your goals and have them sign them on September 20th.

  • Complete your stressors chart, explaining 5 stressors in your life and waht you can do to decrease or eliminate these stressors.

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

English Language: The Westing Game vocabulary

Read chapters 1 & 2 and list 10 vocabulary words that are new to you. Define each word and use it in a sentence. Due Thursday, September 6th.

Tenant: A person who lives in an apartment.
Keena is a tenant in apartment 3A.

Health goals

Remember to accomplish all of your health goals and communicate with your parents about them. A parent needs to sign your health goal sheet in notebooks on September 20th. This signature will confirm that you are actively accomplishing your goals!

Mrs. Llu

Man in the Mirror (for English Language Mobile Lab)

Mobile Lab activity:
Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson

Watch the video and create a comment on this blog post responding to the video in the form of a journal entry.  Journal: What did you feel when you watched this video? What can you do to make this world a better place? Who is Michael Jackson referring to when he says "the man in the mirror"? Next, use the internet to find your own inspirational song or quote and post it in your comment. We will be using your quotes for future journal entries. The lyrics may inspire your writing as well. Please write a 2-3 paragraph response and remember to use proper paragraph format.

I look forward to being inspired by your responses : )