viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

Computer Science

HW: Due Sept. 25th - Learning about Networks

Complete the Computer Networks Outline.  In case you didn't finish during class, below you will find all the questions included in the outline.
  1. What is a computer network?
  2. How are networks categorized? Define LAN and Wan.
  3. Define Node, Link, and Router.
  4. What is a network topology?
  5. For the 4 common network topologies: Mesh, Ring, Star and Bus, answer the following:
  • How are nodes connected?
  • Primary advantage and disadvantage.

Also, read the information found on the Routers' tab.  Get ready to fill out a "job description" for a Router and a Switch next class.

To access the PBS Learning Media interactive website, (click here)

Enjoy your weekend!

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