jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Using Geography Skills Test

Our first Geography Tuiz (test-quiz) is Thursday, October 4th. The tuiz will be on everything we've learned in Chapter 1 (pages 10-22).

The three units are: Understanding the earth, the 5 themes of Geography and Using the tools of Geography.
  1. environment
  2. orbit
  3. revolution
  4. axis
  5. rotation
  6. latitude,
  7. low, middle and high latitudes
  8. equator
  9. tropic of cancer
  10. tropic of capricorn
  11. Arctic circle
  12. Antarctic circle
  13. summer solstice
  14. winter solstice
  15. Geography
  16. parallel
  17. degrees
  18. longitude
  19. meridians
  20. prime meridian
  21. globe
  22. scale
  23. cardinal directions
  24. key
  25. grid
Make sure to re-read the units and to study all vocabulary words that are in your notebooks. Good luck!

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