miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Chapter's 24 & 25

Chapter 24 (classwork):
1. What does the chapter’s title “Wrong, All Wrong” refer to?
2. Which heir does Judge Ford believe is actually Sam Westing?
3. Using the clues provided, who does Sydelle Pulaski announce as the murderer?
4. What happens to Sandy after Judge Ford’s realization?
5. What does Crow confess to at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 25 (homework):
1. What does Denton Deere accuse Turtle of doing to Sandy McSouthers?
2. How does Turtle respond to his accusation?
3. What, according to Judge Ford, is the famous Westing trap that they all have fallen for?
4. Why does Judge Ford repeatedly call herself stupid?
5. What is the significance of November 15, the day of their meeting?

Journal response (1 paragraph):
What do you think the heirs are going to discover about the Westing game? Who do you think can/ will win? Explain...

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