jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Chapter's 26 & 27

Chapter 26:
1. Who is the new young lawyer in Judge Ford's court?
2. Why is everyone surprised when Otis Amber testifies?
3. Who are the three people who hired Otis Amber?
4. Why did Turtle secretly smile when she heard Dr. Deere say Sandy was still alive when Dr. Sikes got there?
5. According to Turtle’s witnessing eyes, what did Crow fill Sandy’s flask with?
6. Judge Ford believed that Sam Westing had assumed two disguises or identities. Who were they?

Chapter 27:
1. What announcement does E.J. Plum make to the heirs?
2. What does the will state is supposed to happen to Sunset Towers?
3. Why does Turtle say, "Hurry up, Uncle Sam, I can't keep up this act much longer"? What does she know?
4. Which heir finally solves the puzzle and wins the Westing Game?
5. What are the names of Mr. Westing’s four identities?

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