martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Las Almendras PART I pages 121-133

I, _________________________ swept and mopped the kitchen floor tonight. 
    X_______________________ (parent signature)
You better make those floors sparkle! : )

Vocabulary (use context clues in the book to write definitions):
p. 124: makeshift
p. 125: established
p. 130: specialty
p. 131: huddled
p. 133: strike
p. 135: shabby

1. What was revealed that Miguel and Alfonso had in their package, and what did they do with it? How did this surprise make Esperanza and Mama feel and why?
2. What embarrassing thing did Esperanza do in front of Isabel?
3. What is the jamaica and why didn't Esperanza want to go at first? What made her decide to go?
4. Which major character was supporting the strike and why does the strike worry Esperanza?

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