miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Las Guayabas PART II pgs 72-80

1. Vocabulary: Use the vocabulary we defined in class today and write a sentence with each word.
WORDS: emerged, mesmerized, privilege, irritable, hesitantly, complexion 

1. Fill out your conflict chart about "Las Guayabas."

2. What did Miguel want to do once he got to the United States? How was this different than what he was able to do in Mexico?

3.  When Hortensia asked the lady on the train how she could support her large family selling eggs, she responded:
"I am poor, but I am rich. I have my children, I have a garden with roses, and I have my faith and the memories of those who have gone before me. What more is there?"
What did she mean by this, and why did this response make Mama cry?

4. Why would Mama tell this poor woman about her problems, and why did Esperanza disapprove?

5. Compare Esperanza's journey and attitude on the train to Miguel's, and explain the difference between the two.

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