lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Chapter 19

Vocabulary: Write the word and definition in your notebooks, then write 1 sentence with each word.
Distorted- not truly or completely representing the facts or reality.
Vengeance- the desire for revenge.
Chronic- having long had a disease, habit or weakness.
Manipulated- to influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner.

Comprehension Questions
1. Why did Turtle say she was listening to the radio in school?
2. Who does Otis Amber accuse of being responsible for the bombings?
3. Who is Crow referring to when she uses the term "foot butcher"?
4. What is a bookie? Which character is secretly a bookie?
5. Grace Wexler is not related to Sam Westing. Who is she related to?
6. According to the judge, what was Westing's first mistake?

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