martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

The Westing Game: Chapters 12 & 13

Write q's and a's in notebooks. Use full sentences.

Chapter 12
  1. Describe what happens to Mrs. Theodorakis in the kitchen.
  2. What does Angela return to Turtle that she had stolen?
  3. According to Judge Ford, who are the four people with Westing connections?
  4. What is strange when Judge Ford calls a private detective from the phone book?
Chapter 13

5. What did the bomber use to set off the bomb?
6.Who does Mrs. Baumbach say Angela Wexler looks like?
7. Who is the only person to talk with Chris and ask him questions?
8. What happened just as Otis Amber entered the restaurant?
9. According to the fireman, what was the reasoning/explanation behind the bombs?
10. Where was the bomber planning to set the next bomb?

1. Woozy
2. Obituary
3. Caption
4. Scrumptious
5. Distraught

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