jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Recipe Remix

Your Recipe Remix final project is due on Monday, October 22nd during 3rd period (9:3am). Your printed new recipe list is due next Monday, October 15th.

Project goal: Discover how to create a healthier version of your favorite food.
You will accomplish this goal by:
  1. With a partner, decide on a favorite food that you will remix
  2. Look up the recipe to that food and write down every ingredient
  3. Research healthy ingredient substitutions in order to make your food healthier (ex: eggs-eggwhites or applesauce, flour-whole wheat flour, etc.
  4. Write a three page report about this new recipe (report details below).
  5. Cook your new recipe with your partner and bring it to class so we can taste it!
Each group will have one report:

  •  Page 1: Clever title of your remixed recipe, a picture or drawing of your recipe and your names.
  •  Page 2: List the original unhealthy recipe and all of its ingredients. List your remixed recipe with your ingredient substitutions.
  •  Page 3: A four paragraph short essay:
P1: Why did you choose this food?
P2:What ingredient substitutions did you use?
P3: Was this recipe a success? What did you learn?
P4: How will I apply this project to my future health choices?
The day of the final project, you will bring your report and your food item to class and do a short presentation explaining your remix. Have fun!

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